Monday, October 20, 2014


Books have always been a part of my life.  Back in the days of being able to roam your neighborhood without threat of being harmed, my friend and I would ride our bikes for miles to the city library, load up on books, and drag them back home.  I would get lost in the stacks.  I believe I may have even memorized where each book was placed on the shelves.  
I fell in love with Madeline L'Engle, read every stitch of the Trixie Belden series, and devoured whatever else looked good.
Now that I'm older, (slightly-wink wink), my tastes have changed, but not my love for books.  I'm finding new authors to fall in love with, and am torn between handling actual paper books, or using an e-reader.
Either way, Karen Kingsbury, Betsy St. Amant, Colleen Coble, etc. will be helping me to mold my characters as I attempt to include myself in the world of being on the shelves in a library, and having a young girl fall in love with my books.

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